Small man
Want make Free Small WII XAMS FlottigliaMas MAN better, we disign again and add some new accessories cost so much money,it is a no earn thing ,but also want make it , only for Paneristi friendship.
So I choose Two Big WII XAMS FlottigliaMas MAN reduce price 60% 7 days ,only for make these small man better,Only 7days.
why reduce 7 days can see here ? ... 091#p17091
XAMS FlottigliaMas MAN (E F can choose)
Material: Resin
Height: 18cm
old price 60usd,Now Big Sale Price:28 usd/one (not include ship,ship cost 15usd/one,take two ship maybe need 30usd ,because doll very big , please use pp gift or add 5%)
Comprising: a shield, ammunition boxes one, a xmas divers(shield and ammunition boxes can mobile)
FS: Two Big WII XAMS FlottigliaMas MAN reduce price 60% 7 days
- zsirstudio
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- Joined: May 27th, 2018, 11:25 am
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