Patience is a virtue...

NOTE: Joe is still catching up with pending work, so we advise to wait until everything is settled.

Parts design and fabrication ... 968187295/
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Patience is a virtue...

Post by neckyzips »

sorry, this isn't a rant about all you who email hourly about your projects! (though maybe i should do one of those :lolno: )
this is a whats going on post.

things have been a bit slow coming out of the shop, and for that i apologize, but there is good reason!

for several years now I've been working on a gen project. Gen project meaning non rep based watch, no Asian cases, dials, movements, no fused dust parts etc.
its a very hard road, and very expensive! but there is light at the end of the tunnel! missing pieces are coming together plans are firming etc.
so looks like by the first of the year i can start production and should be ready to go to market in may!

what does this have to do with your projects? well its why things are slow coming out, i strive to get every thing to everyone in a timely fashion but some things
get delayed and held up to traveling and meetings with the gen project.

so as a thank you for your support any of my customers (i know who you are) will get a 25-35% discount off of the pre-sale price! i wish i could do more but the out of pocket is crazy on this project!

as a tease here are some images of a prototype, obviously the dial, bracelet, hands, and bezel insert are not the production ones.


sorry for the lack of imagery, but you have no idea how much stuff gets stolen during inception!
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