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2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 4th, 2020, 2:45 am
Hi Guys

November 23rd my wife told me that I was a nice guy, but our 17-year marriage was not what she wanted. I asked, well what do you want: I do not know but it is not this.

We have (unless she changes the goal post) made some decisions moving forward. One good thing is I keep the 3 girls and the dogs. A big change for me as I married in 2002 for “ever after” …I am OK, well as OK as one can be. I have medication for depression, and I have a fortnightly conference call with a psychiatrist.

I am going to Microlux in LA - April 4th and 5th 2020. As soon as the organisers advise me of accommodation, I will book the flights. If I do not get Corona Virus…ha-ha.

It will be a great opportunity to meet some of you guys, press the flesh and have a drink or whatever one does at these functions. Honestly, as I am bit of a recluse and a tad autistic, the whole exercise scares the shit out of me. But I will pretend that it is OK.

In preparation for the event, I am trying to get new boxes made – oops they are in China, so I can only hope. Daz will be making up some watches for the Show – I have no idea how many. But they will be with the new Chronometre grade movement.

In the meantime: I will be offering what I currently have on hand at the old prices or better. There are some MS-9411-GD-Specials and a few others. Just ask and I will check what is in the drawer and we can do a deal. To paraphrase Michael Corleone (The Godfather): Make me an offer I cannot refuse.

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 4th, 2020, 6:28 am
by Tanukjaju
Dan, sorry to hear about the turmoil at home. I sincerely hope that you can and will look back in a few years and see that things have gotten better.

I’m going to see if I can convince the wife to head out to LA in April. Regardless, it sounds like a perfect excuse for the boys in S Cal to have a GTG

I wore my OWC to Singapore last year and the watch caught the eye of my best bud. He dives... so it’s now with him and I’m OWCless. I’m still in the fund collecting phase for my hobbies so perhaps soon.

2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 4th, 2020, 6:37 am
by tafari
sorry to hear this, stay strong...

have a nice time in LA and at the show, I wish I can come but from germany is to far

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 4th, 2020, 2:18 pm
by binbin
I'm sorry to hear this. :( It must be hard. Positive thoughts headed your way.

All the best to you.

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 4th, 2020, 3:29 pm
by Mellons
Keep going!

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 14th, 2020, 4:44 pm
Thank you.

The AU government is out to eliminate small business….

I have been trying for the last 2 weeks to initially find information about what I will need for LA Mucrolux and then how to apply for these things.
It has been the most frustrating 2 weeks of my life.

It was confirmed from a friend of a friend (who is high up in the government department of trade), that they do not provide any assistance or help to small guys because it is not worth their time and a waste of government resources. They only focus on the larger companies.

This does not surprise me. It seems an unwritten policy to screw all the little guys.

Hope to see some of you in LA on the 4th or 5th of April.

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 28th, 2020, 4:15 pm
by Alou
"The AU government is out to eliminate small business…."
In Eu its the same ,it will take a while to write how and I will get out of topic .
Please try not to give up!

Good Luck in LA

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 28th, 2020, 4:49 pm

No mate I am not giving up. Just had to cancel LA Microlux due to Corona. But I am still here. Having a Broken Dreams of LA Sale and more to come.

So email me ( and make me an offer on what I have in stock….I want to make a deal and share the love.

While compliance here in AU is expensive, and they are trying to regulate most things out of existence, the small Pty Limited Company (Private Company) is still the best way to “drive your Dollar, Euro further.

Here in AU, one needs diverse income streams, or the structure will be deemed as tax avoidance. Clothing with logos is tax deductible, food if you are a catering company is tax deductible. Most stationery and PC’s (even if these go to your kinds) are tax deductible, motor cars, mobile phones….etc.

Also, one needs to be able to divert one’s income into said structure. So, it will probably not work with employed people unless their employer is flexible. (And who is not flexible in 2020….??)

Perhaps we need our collective brains to discuss???

Please join me in the Broken Dreams of LA Sale.

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: February 29th, 2020, 8:56 am
by Thrasher
I still plan on attending LA Microlux the only thing I dont get is I signed up for notifications and now they show two locations one near Santa Monica and the other in Glendale. ... rolux-2020

Re: 2020-02-04: Microlux-2020-April 04 & 05

Posted: March 1st, 2020, 1:35 am
by daevildog
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